Durante los días 20 a 24 de agosto, las instalaciones del Club Natación Pamplona acogerán por séptimo año consecutivo la celebración del Campus de Judo de Pamplona - Training Camp de Pamplona. 

Toda la información referida al VII Campus de Judo de Pamplona puede ser encontrada aquí:

During the days 20 to 24 of august, the facilities of Club Natación Pamplona will host for the seventh consecutive time the celebration of the Judo Campus of Pamplona - Training Camp of Pamplona.

All information related to VI Training Judo Camp Pamplona can be found here:

VII Judo Training Camp Pamplona 2018.

Please keep in mind that even participation in the TC is free we require participants to complete the registration process by filling the following form and sending it to the email account listed below: Registration Form.

In case needed, do not hesitate to contact: